Saturday, 27 January 2018

Childrens Python

Children’s python is a name applied to a group of three small pythons. Contrary to popular belief their name does not signify that they are pythons for children; it is in fact the name of an English naturalist, JG. Children after whom the snakes were named.

They are, however, popular snakes with reptile keepers and are a good species for young people to keep because of their small size and placid temperament.

Children’s pythons occur over much of Australia and are often associated with rock outcrops and caves where they are very adept at catching bats.They will climb a rock face at the entrance to a cave where bats are roosting and wait there until the bats fly out in the evening.They will catch a bat flying past and eat it hanging in mid-air,secured to the rocks only by their tails. They also eat frogs, lizards and rodents.

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