There is no absolute method of telling a venomous snake from a non-venomous snake bit it is certainly a good idea to know which dangerous snakes can be found in your area. Take time to look at photographs in an appropriate field guide so you can identify your local dangerous snakes.
Some can be readily identified because of their body form and size but colour alone in an unreliable guide to identification as there is a great deal of variation in colour within many species.
It is worth remembering that although 70% of Australian land snakes are venomous, only 20% are regarded as being dangerously venomous. In Australia less than 5 people die form snake bites each year, despite being the country with the most venomous snakes in the world.
There are several reasons for this. One is the that our snakes have short fangs, snakes mostly inhabit remote areas of Australia where few people live and medical staff are highly trained and proficient in dealing with snake bites.
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