Friday, 26 January 2018

Which snakes are venomous?

There are three venomous snake families in Australia;

  • Elapids
  • Sea Snakes
  • Sea Kraits 

All the Elapid snakes are venomous, although most are only mildly so ans are not considered to be dangerous. They all have fixed hollow fangs in the front of the upper jaw, connected on each side by a duct to the venom gland. There are 15-23 scale rows around the mid body, excluding the broad belly scales.

The completely aquatic Sea Snakes have vertically compressed paddle-shaped tails and nostrils which are situated on the top of the snout with flaps that close when the snake is submerged. The vast majority of sea snakes are very venomous are rarely encountered.

While essentially marine snakes, the Sea Kraits do com onto land, particularly to lay eggs. All are characterised by numerous black cross-band and laterally placed nostrils. Although very poisonous sea kraits are reluctant to bite and are also rarely encountered.

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